DM Foam-S Extra
Para unidades de secado, cocción y ahumado
- potente limpiador alcalino
- con propiedades altamente espumantes
- ideal para la limpieza de cabinas de ahumado o equipos altamente contaminados
DM Super
Cleaning product for dish washers
DX 100
Sustitutivo natural para solventes
- quitamanchas concentrado
- para contaminación resistente limpiador general
- para superficies duras no porosas
Eco Chlor
Alkaline chlorine cleaning and disinfecting product
- Alkaline cleaning and disinfecting product
- Chlorine based
- For all CIP and spray systems in the food industry.
Eco Chlor S
Alkaline chlorinated product with a strong foaming capacity
- Alkaline chlorinated product
- Strong foaming capacity
- Bleaching capacity
Eco Clean
Eco Clean is a concentrated alkaline cleaning product with a strong foaming capacity for the food industry.
- Eco Clean is ideally suited for the removal of fats, protein, light calcium and salty contaminations.
- Eco Clean is especially formulated for applications in the meat, fish, dairy and beverage industry.
- Eco Clean is especially developed for foaming systems.
Neutral concentrated floor cleaner
Alkaline floor cleaner for heavily soiled floors
Liquid algaecidal product
- Greenstop is an algicide.
strong alkaline cleaner
- Haakwash is degreasing and non-foaming. Haakwash removes oil and grease from parts and floors.
Handcleaner Eco
Ideal para uso diario
- jabón
- para una buena higiene de las manos
- ideal para el uso diario
- suave para las manos
- un perfume agradable
Keno Chill Gel
ready-to-use surface protection product
- hygienic cleaner for cooling units and heat exchangers
- food industry and cooled transport
- ideal for the cleaning of aluminium, copper and galvanized cooling units