Handsoap with scrubbing beads
- handsoap with gentle scrubbing beads
- solvent free
- cosmetic quality
Lime Perfume
Perfume concentrate
- fresh lime perfume
- concentrated
- compatible
Meca Clean
For greasy and dirty hands!
- handsoap for greasy ant dirty hands
- removes oil, paint, fat, bad smells,...
- gentle scrubbing beads
- very soft for hands
- cosmetic quality
Multi D
All purpose cleaner - degreaser
- powerful all purpose cleaner and degreaser
- effortless removal of nicotine, ink, oil, etc.
- multi-functional use
- grapefruit perfume
Nitra Cid
Acid cleaner for CIP systems
- acid cleaner
- based on nitric acid
- removes persistant limescale, proteins and iron deposits
Nitra Cid-D
Acid cleaner with decontaminating action
- acid cleaner
- decontaminanting action
- removal of protein, iron and lime scale deposits
- based on nitric and lactic acid
Omniwash Liquid
Concentrated liquid laundry detergent
- concentrated liquid detergent
- hand and machine wash
- all colors
- 30° - 90°C
- easy to use
Omniwash Powder
Professional washing powder
- washing powder
- for hand and machine wash
- high concentration of active ingredients
- for al types of textile
- 30°C - 90°C
Perfume card
Kenotek Perfume card for in your vehicle
Stabilized hydrogen peroxide for water recycling systems
- stabilized hydrogen peroxide
- increases the amount of O2 in waste water, thus reduces bad odors
Pho Cid
Acid cleaner for CIP systems
- concentrated acid cleaner for CIP installations and crate washing machines
- based on phosphoric and sulphuric acid
- with a strong detergency effect
Polish & Protect
Two-in-one polish
- removes impurities and small scratches
- ensures a deep gloss and high-end protection
- can be applied manual or automatically
- easy to use
- pleasant perfume